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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Mario Alexander De Los Santos

Mario Alexander De Los Santos is described by his mother as calm.  She says he is a good student, likes to play a lot, and likes to watch TV.  Mario lives with his mother Alexandra Yokaris Vasquez Ulloa and his father.  Both parents are unemployed at present.  Mario also has a 12 yr old sister, and a 2-year-old brother living with him. 

Mario is 8 yrs old, and was born 02 Oct 2001.  He goes to school in the afternoons for 3 hours and is in 3rd grade.  He has heart problems, but wants to be a baseball player when he grows up.  He plays in a baseball league at present.

Mario’s house belongs to his mother in law; his father built it before he lost his job.  The family do not pay rent.  Parts of the house are unfinished cement block.  There are 2 adults and 3 kids living in the home.